Corporate Services
We provide a whole host of professional services to support the running and development of the council.
The corporate services department is one of the most diverse in the council - services from IT to Revenues and Benefits, from HR and OD to Communications.
Corporate team
Our team is diverse to say the least, and if you enjoy variety and working with people, this is the place for you! We are split into a number of teams: business transformation, communications and graphics, corporate, and customer services.
Our business transformation team was launched in 2020, and was set up specifically to catapult our improvement journey - bringing our customers, members and staff along too. It works on a range of exciting projects that aim push forward our online service delivery, as well as improve our internal business processes and working practices. The team is made up of digital officers, project managers, a business analyst, and a web designer - and as it sits within the wider corporate team it has close links to customer services, communications and design. To sum up, it's a creative team, passionate about delivering improvements to provide the best possible result for our customers.
Our corporate team is one of the main reasons our officers’ day-to-day lives run smoothly! Working with services across the council, it provides management of really important governance matters, as well as overseeing corporate project management, performance management, and information governance (such as subject access requests, GDPR, freedom of information requests and complaints). People often hear the words ‘data protection’ and equate it with ‘boring’ - but we can promise it’s anything but!
Our communications and graphics team’s main role is to protect and enhance the council’s reputation - making sure we effectively communicate to the right people at the right time. The communications team is very particular about grammar - and protective of the council’s style guide. Our designer is the reason our branding and corporate documents look the way they do - without this creativity, our reputation would suffer and there’s no doubt we’d come across as a bit too ‘typical local government’. Quite the social bunch, the team liaises with all services, regularly encouraging them to promote what they’re up to and get our good news out to our many different audiences. This team is also our gateway to the media - fostering excellent relationships and responding to the varied enquiries we receive.
Our customer services team is the front face of the council - and they do a wonderful job of making our customers feel welcome and at ease. No matter the query, this team does all it can to respond with as much information and support as possible - be that over the phone, online or in person. The team deals with questions about all sorts of issues - and even if they aren’t strictly council-related, the advisors are always happy to go out of their way to help.
Human Resources (HR) and Organisational Development (OD)
We’re a small team covering the whole HR and OD remit - basically everything to do with people within our council. As an HR professional, or someone starting out in the field, you’ll have the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of areas - from OD projects, policy development, HR operations, training and development, recruitment and system development to name a few.
We work across the council to support departments and deliver solutions. It’s a great, varied experience for your CV, but we find that people love the variety and ability to make positive change happen so much that they stay with us!
Our council is ambitious and high achieving, but at the same time, nurturing our employees is one of our three council values. It’s not just us saying that though; our employees say it too! Take a look at our workplace wellbeing charter accreditation.
If you love variety and challenge, HR and OD is for you!
Internal audit
We’re a small team and our primary focus is to provide assurance to management, councillors and the officers of Tewkesbury Borough Council that the council is doing everything we say we will and that it is of the highest standards.
However, we don’t just assess others. We are also here to provide advice and offer objective opinions on the council’s procedures and processes. Attention to detail and ability to quickly build good relationships with our internal customers are key skills for our team. Auditors develop knowledge of a wide range of services from across the council in a way which not many other roles can offer, so it’s never dull!
IT operations
We do our job so that everyone else in the council can do theirs! The IT operations team covers a variety of functions, from networks and security to first-line support for our customers.
We are a small team so there’s opportunity to get involved in a wide range of specialisms and really build your CV. We update and implement technologies throughout the council, research and design platforms to enable colleagues to carry out their roles, and are always there to reset the odd password!
No two days are ever the same in IT. We continuously strive to develop and enhance the service we offer, and this can only be achieved due to the passionate, dedicated and friendly nature of the team.
Revenues and benefits
We’re one of the larger teams in the council. We provide advice and information to businesses and residents to ensure they know which rates or taxes they need to pay, and that sound and efficient measures are in place to enable the collection of these charges. We also ensure that benefits are paid correctly and efficiently to those who need them.
The vital work of our team is a key component in the financial stability of the whole council and helps to ensure that our borough is a place where a good quality of life is available to all.
We have the interests of our borough at heart every day we come to work, and that makes us very proud of our team and the work we undertake. If you enjoy dealing with the public and like the challenge of getting your teeth stuck into understanding complex legislation, you should consider a career in revenues and benefits.
Why I love working in corporate services
“The variety, interacting with different teams from across the whole organisation and getting to work as part of a really supportive team. It's such a friendly and flexible place to work.”
— Alice Grundy, Internal Auditor in the Corporate Services Team
The council is a fantastic place to work, and we are committed to leading a healthy and happy workforce. Because we value all employees both long-serving and new, you will gain access to our comprehensive benefits package from day one.